January 9-14, 2022 saw the post COVID resurrection of APE conferencing.
It was not without some cobwebs but the end result was an excellent conference with many fascinating presentations on the experiences of the last few years and speculations about the future.
In the immediate future is the preparation of summary conference proceedings and then preparing for APE 2024. We expect the summary proceedings to be completed before the end of this quarter. Hopefully we’ll have flights booked by then as well!
During the conference final sessions we discussed dates for 2024. There was some support for shifting the dates a little later in the calendar. A suggestion was made that we aim for 15-19 January and the SilverStar conference rooms have been held for those dates. An alternative is to straddle the weekend with sessions on 11, 12 and 15, 16 of January. Looking forward to your feedback!